You’ve just come off a long fundraising season and the lethargy of the holidays still lingers. You want to start the new year on the right foot but your staff needs a serious recharge and you’re not sure how to get them motivated again. We understand, because we’ve found ourselves in the same boat in the past. Here’s some ways to conquer the post-holiday blues with ideas that will energize your staff.


HTTP vs. HTTPS: are you wondering what the difference is? To answer your question, “https” stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). You’ll need one if you want your website to appear in search results, and if you don’t want a warning message to appear when users enter your website.


As the reality of a new year sinks in, it’s important to reflect on how to set your nonprofit up for success this year. One way to do this is by thinking about New Year’s resolutions: not the “going to the gym more” type (though that is on my list); rather, resolutions for your nonprofit to ensure a great year ahead. We suggest considering resolutions that can positively impact the organization as a whole, and to aid in this process, we have compiled a list of ideas to help you plan for a successful year ahead.


It’s officially a new year and you are trying to organize and set goals for the year.  Your nonprofit’s website is your biggest asset and you want it to be done right. Make this year the year of the website, with these tips to help you get started.

First, start by answering the age old question:


I love tiny things: my favorite of course being a tiny pig in rain boots, but my second favorite tiny thing is a microsite. We get a ton of questions about microsites from nonprofits so we are here to settle the score. First, for those of you who don’t know and are currently asking, “What the heck is a microsite?,” we got you. We will walk you through exactly what a microsite is and address the inevitable question, “Does my nonprofit need one?”.


Is your nonprofit considering using SEM (Search Engine Marketing)? This digital marketing channel involves organizations bidding on related keywords in order for their ad to display when someone searches for associated terms.

Frequently these ads are referred to as PPC (pay per click) or CPC (cost per click) ads because your organization only pays if someone clicks the ad. You can think of SEM as rather like an auction and ranking system where your nonprofit is bidding to push your ads up the list so that more potential supporters will see it.


There is no question that social media has been a topic of conversation recently, and a not a good one. From politics and hate speech to data mining, there is no doubt that it has been used for negative purposes. However, the need for positive messages could not be more urgent and that’s where your nonprofit comes in. Nonprofits act as a force of good and positive energy so it’s time to invest and we mean really invest in a well thought out social media strategy. Not only is it good for the world but it’s good for propelling your nonprofit forward into a future we can all be excited about! We are going to chat about why your nonprofit needs it and how to go about “social media-ing” effectively.


It’s fundraising season, which means we are all running around fueled purely by coffee and our desire to see our organizations thrive next year. Before you work until you drop, consider some fundraising tools for your nonprofit that will make this year-end fundraising season your best yet. We know there are ton of options out there so we’ve broken down some of our faves and pointed out what makes each one unique. Ready to take a deep breath (and maybe put down the caffeine) so you can make a plan?


You know a good email when you see one. From subject line to body, it’s engaging and visually appealing. How do email marketers perfect these awesome email specimens? It’s not just a gut feeling. There are some really important statistics that inform the creation of these marketing emails. Email marketing is not just reserved for the corporate world and as we enter the end-of- year fundraising season it is essential that your nonprofit rocks its email marketing (digital donation) campaigns. So get ready to get schooled on the essential email marketing statistics. (more…)

Your donor list includes donors of all shapes and sizes: donors who gave once, twice or thrice mixed together with potential donors who have expressed interest but have never actually given money. If you want to successfully move donors from point A (thinking about giving) to point B (giving monthly) you are going to have to give them a gentle push. This push comes in the form of nonprofit email marketing.


Have you ever heard a cooler buzzword than “email marketing”? It’s like a spell from Harry Potter that turns tedious email sending into an automated donation boosting machine. Before you say the magic words, though, you should study up a little bit on where the fairy dust comes from and how you can spread the love. Okay, I can’t keep up the metaphor anymore, but we are here to chat email marketing and what it can do for your nonprofit. We’ve also included an exciting guide that will inspire your efforts.


We are here to make an argument, an argument about font. When font only existed in print, it was easy. Designers knew that the design they created was going to appear as they wanted it to. Enter the modern era, the era of web design where type renders differently on a screen. There are a ton of different things that affect how text will show up from device type to whether that font is even available on the user’s device.
