You’ve just come off a long fundraising season and the lethargy of the holidays still lingers. You want to start the new year on the right foot but your staff needs a serious recharge and you’re not sure how to get them motivated again. We understand, because we’ve found ourselves in the same boat in the past. Here’s some ways to conquer the post-holiday blues with ideas that will energize your staff.
Use New Year’s Resolutions
Get your staff together to share personal resolutions and come up with organization-wide goals. If a large portion of your staff is trying to exercise more, then introduce a mid-day stretch or set of squats in the office. This way your employees can work on their resolutions even while at work.
Brainstorm resolutions for your entire nonprofit with staff so that they are involved in the goal-setting process and are excited to start achieving them this year.
Create a Wellness Committee
The health of your staff is essential if you want to have a productive New Year, and, after a long fundraising season, making sure staff members have time for themselves is essential to ensuring this.
Wellness is not only being free from illness but takes into account all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing. In order to ensure that your staff is totally healthy and ready to take on 2019, form a wellness committee to create initiatives for a healthy workplace. The committee can spearhead things such as start a weekly yoga day or designate a room for meditation.
In addition, being sure that mental health resources are available and non-stigmatized for your employees is essential. Working in nonprofits, especially ones that provide services for individuals in need is important work, but it can take a toll on our own mental wellbeing. Being sure to provide services to ensure your employees are feeling well is essential for a productive 2019 and just makes you an awesome employer.
Celebrate Whenever Possible
Everyone needs a break from work at some point during the day and what better way than with a staff party? Make sure to celebrate your organization’s anniversary, staff birthdays, and exciting accomplishments.
Start off by celebrating your end of the year fundraising success. Your staff worked hard and should be congratulated for all they did. Acknowledging all their hard work in a fun way creates momentum to start off the new year.
Get Employee Input
While you don’t want to dwell on last year too much, briefly survey your employees about what worked and what didn’t last year. Make a conscious effort to implement some of the suggestions your staff makes (more coffee is never bad). However, take into account larger changes they suggest as well. Your line staff know what is working and what isn’t. By working to implement real systemic change, you shows members of your staff that you listen and value their input. It will also ensure that they are excited to see their ideas in action this year.
Set an Example
Energy is transferable. When someone is exuding a tired energy, others are likely to pick up on that and people are looking to you for guidance as their manager. Take care of yourself so that you can radiate the energy that your staff needs for the New Year. If their leaders have the stamina to move forward with positivity, they will draw upon this energy and apply it to their own work lives. This can include a mental health day every once in a while. Taking a day off every so often to recharge will allow you to be more present at work for yourself and your employees.
Free Healthy Snacks for the Month
Reward your staff’s hard work with free healthy snacks this month while remembering those New Year’s resolutions. If a large portion of your staff is trying to eat healthier, then show you are listening by ordering snacks that include fresh and healthy options. Even better, include a question on your staff survey about their favorite healthy places for lunch and surprise them with an order from one of those restaurants.
Reorganize the Office 
People find new energy in reorganized spaces, so apply some Feng Shui to your office. Give your staff a day to clear out what has become redundant and reorganize their things. If possible, bring in some new office supplies, plants, or donated furniture to help spruce things up, but make sure staff get rid of at least one thing before adding another. Take it from tidying sensation Marie Kondo and her tips for a decluttered desk that a cluttered office can be an unproductive place that you’ll want to avoid that this year.
After the holidays, you and your staff can be drained. Avoid this post-holiday slump by applying some of these ideas to your office and your staff will thank you by refocusing and getting the year started on the right foot.