Let’s face it: you need social media to get your nonprofit’s brand on the map. All of your hard work is for naught if your organization doesn’t have a strong web presence to back it up. And what better way to learn than from the social media experts themselves?

Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Pinterest, or any other platform, these mavens have the solutions for your social media woes. Take a few tips from these guys and gear up for a huge increase in engagement, brand awareness, and web traffic. Happy social media strategizing!

Aimee Beck

Twitter: @aimee_beck

Website: http://www.beckseocopywriting.ca/

Beth Kanter

Twitter: @kanter

Website: http://www.bethkanter.org/work-with-beth/ 

Carlos Gil

Twitter: @CarlosGil83

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM6M9IzSlCFdb-m5s7W4fbw?sub_confirmation=1

Claire Axelrad

Twitter: @CharityClairity

Website: http://www.clairification.com/welcome

Farra Trompeter

Twitter: @farra

Website: http://www.bigducknyc.com/

Guy Kawasaki

Twitter: @GuyKawasaki

Website: http://guykawasaki.com/

Jay Baer

Twitter: @jaybaer

Website: http://www.jaybaer.com/

Jed Record

Twitter: @JedRecord

Website: http://jedrecord.com/

Jeff Bullas

Twitter: @jeffbullas

Website: http://www.jeffbullas.com/

Jennifer Preston

Twitter: @JenniferPreston

Website: http://www.knightfoundation.org/about/staff/jennifer-preston

John Haydon

Twitter: @johnhaydon

Website: http://www.johnhaydon.com/

John Sparks

Twitter: @IAmJohnSparks

Website: http://iamjohnsparks.com/

Jonathan Gebauer

Twitter: @jogebauer

Website: http://www.thesocialms.com/

Julia Campbell

Twitter: @JuliaCSocial

Website: http://jcsocialmarketing.com/

Kim Garst

Twitter: @kimgarst 

Website: http://kimgarst.com/

Maddie Grant

Twitter: @maddiegrant

Website: http://maddiegrant.com/

Mari Smith

Twitter: @MariSmith

Website: https://www.marismith.com/

Martin Jones

Twitter: @martinjonesaz

Website: https://www.coxblue.com/martin-jones/

Michael Stelzner

Twitter: @Mike_Stelzner

Website: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/

Neal Schaffer

Twitter: @NealSchaffer

Website: http://maximizeyoursocial.com/social-media-speaker-neal-schaffer/

Pamela Grow

Twitter: @PamelaGrow

Website: http://www.pamelagrow.com/

Peg Fitzpatrick

Twitter: @PegFitzpatrick

Website: http://pegfitzpatrick.com/

Susanna Gebauer

Twitter: @dreckbaerfrau

Website: http://www.thesocialms.com/

Need even more inspiration? Check out these 54 #NPTech Twitter Accounts You Should Be Following.

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