The shift to online engagement over the past year and a half has made nonprofits more reliant on technology than ever before. Virtual fundraising comes with its challenges, particularly when it comes to generating and maintaining donor engagement. There are various helpful tools to catalyze an uptick in donor engagement for your future campaigns, and we’ll unpack a few of our favorite strategies in this article.


Fundraising: the air that nonprofits breathe, the energy they consume, and the water they drink. Essentially, without profitable fundraisers, nonprofit operations would cease to exist.


A top priority for all nonprofits, regardless of the campaign, is boosting donor engagement to reach their goals. One of the best ways to do this is to promote mobile giving to your supporters. Mobile giving is a convenient and powerful way for your supporters to give to your organization, whether it’s during an event, for a specific campaign, or simply because they’re inspired to give.
